Page:The book of wonder voyages (1919).djvu/193

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Hasan of Bassorah

that sorrow will betide thee where thou goest." And she replied, "What didst thou see in thy dream, O my father?" "I dreamed," said he, "that I entered a secret hoard where was great store of moneys, jewels, jacinths,


and other riches. But naught pleased me save seven bezels, which were the finest things there. And I chose the smallest of the seven, for it was the finest and most lustrous. And as I came out at the door, a bird from a far land, snatched it out of my hand and returned it whence it came. At once on awaking I summoned the interpreters and expounders of dreams, who said unto me ... "Thou hast seven daughters, and wilt lose the youngest, who will be taken from thee without thy will. Now, my daughter, thou art my youngest and