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The Book of Wonder Voyages

"Where do you live?" asked Eric of the angel.

"In the heavens, where we look upon God, who is a spirit. We are often sent into the world in time of need to help men, as I have been sent to you."

"How is this building kept up? It seems to me to be hanging in the air."

"God holds it. By this you may believe that God created all things from nothing."

Then the angel asked Eric: "Do you wish to stay here, or to return to your own country?"

"I would rather return."

"Why do you wish to go back to your own wretched native land?"

"That I may tell my friends about my journey and all the wonderful things I have seen and heard. If I do not return they will think I have died an evil death."

Then the angel said: "Though the people in your land still worship idols, and though the time has not yet come when they shall leave their idols and return to God, yet it will come, and God in His mercy shall free them. You may return to tell of God's greatness, which you have seen in Eastern lands. Perhaps they will be more ready to believe in God when they hear what you have to say. Ten years after you reach home I will visit you, as I visited Habakkuk and Daniel, whom I took over many lands. I will then bring you to this place, chosen of God, that your bones may be guarded here till the Judgment-Day. Remain here for