Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/107

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euer. And yet many one is in this world that wel haue the courage soo prowde that wel they dare bye gownes of thre or foure score Crownes, & yet thynkyng hit of lytel prys, that yf so were they must gyue to poure folke two or thre shyllynges they shold holde that ouermoche, and as halfe loste. Loke and behold ye thenne, how they that haue soo many gownes wherof they coyntyse and araye their bodyes, how ones they shalle straitly answer of them. And therfore euery good woman, after she is of estate and degree, she ought to hold and behaue her symply and honestly in her clothyng and in the quantite of hit, and gyue a parte to god, to thende she may in the other world be clothed of all ioye and glorye, as dyde the hooly ladyes and hooly vyrgyns as in their legende is rehercyd, as of seynt Elyzabeth, of saynt Katheryn, and of seynt Agathe and other mo, that gaue their gownes to the poure folke for the loue of god. And soo ought to doo cuery good woman. Now I haue tolde & recounted to yow of the two first wyues of the knyght, and herafter ye shalle here of the thyrd.