Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/115

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shall telle yow thensample of the lyon & of his propryete. As the lyonnesse, that is to vnderstond, the female of the lyon, hath done the lyon ony faute or despyte, he shalle not go with her, but fro her shalle kepe hym self one daye and a nyght, and soo sheweth he his lordship and seygnorye that he hath ouer the lyonesse. This ensample is fair & prouffitable to all wymmen, consyderynge how a sauage and wyld beest, and withoute reason, and that dothe but as nature enclyneth her, maketh her self to be drawe and doubted of felawe.