Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/123

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I SHALLE telle yow another Ensample vpon the faytte or dede of an euylle wyf and a fals woman, whiche was named Dalida, whiche was wyf of Sampson, that moche loued her, in so moche that he dyde nothyng but that he made her to knowe hit. And for the grete loue that he had to her, he lyke a foole discouered and told her that al his myst was in the heerys of the heed. And whanne the fals woma wist it, she made to telle the paynyms, whiche were enemyes to her lord, that yf they wold gyue her a good reward she sholde so do that they shold take hym. And anone the paynyms promysed her that yf she couthe so doo as she sayd, they shold gyue her a grete quantite of gold and of gownes, and as many precious stones as she wold take of them. And she that thorugh couetyse was deceyued, made her ford to slepe in her lappe. And whyle he fast slepte, she cutte awey the heerys of his heede, and anone sent for the paynyms, whiche nyghe were embusshed, and made hym to be taken of them. Thenne he awoke and fonde alle his myght and strengthe loste and gone, that before that tyme was wont to resiste and fyghte, he al one, ageynst thre thowsand men. And whanne they hadde hym fast bounden they thrested and putte oute bothe his eyen, and made hym to tourne aboute a mylle as a blynde hors. Behold ye, thenne, and loke how couetyse deceyued this folissh woman, that for a lytell gold bitrayed her lord that soo moche loued her, whiche was moost doubted of all men that euer were and euer shall be. A coueytous herte dar well saye & vndertake to do moch euylle, for he maketh the noble men to be rapynous & tyrauts ouer their men & subgettes. Couetyse also maketh many theues, many vsurers, many murderers, many maydens & wydowes to become harlottes, and many secrete homycyde is done by this fals vyce of couetyse; the children