Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/137

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pourely in theyr childbedde. For at that ferdful and dredefull day god shalle therof aske a rekenynge, and nedes men must rendre hym reason therof. And wel I wene that many one haue be repreued therof, whiche shalle be in grete charge and payne to gyue a good ansuere. And therfore, my fayr doughters, thynke now on hit whyles ye lyue, as dyd saynt Arragone, whiche was quene of France, and whiche comforted and vysyted the poure enchartered and emprysoned, and nourysshed the orphanes, and vysyted them that were seke. And by cause she myghte not entende to hit as ofte as she wold, for doubte to disobeye her lord, she lefte her lord & alle the worship and vayne glory of the world and the worldly Ioye, and ranne to hyde her secretely fro parys vnto Poytyers, and there she rendryd her self in to thabbeye and bycame a Nonne, and lefte the world to thende she myght the better serue god withoute drede of ony man, wherfore afterward god shewed for her sake a myracle. For a tree whiche stode in the myddes of theyr cloystre, the whiche was al drye, god made hym to bycome and wexe fayr and grene, and sprange oute of hit newe braunches and leues ageynste the cours of nature. But no thynge is Impossible to god, and many other grete myracles he dyd for the loue of her. And therfore is here a good ensample to be charytable, as aboue ye haue herd of these two holy ladyes and of this good lady Raab, as they dyd, and how at the last god gwerdoned and rewarded them for theyr good seruyse.