Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/141

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I SHAL telle you another ensample of a good woma whiche had a doughter that was named Delbora, the whiche she dyd put to the scole of wysedome and of sapyence. This delbora lerned so wel that she wyst and knewe al the hooly scrypture and wrytynge, & vsed of so good & holy lyf that she knewe of the secretis of god, and spak of many thynges that were to come. And by cause of her grete wysedome and wytte euery body cam to aske her counceylle of his affayres. Her lord was euylle and cruell, but by her wytte & by her fayr speche she couthe reule hym wel, for she toke away his frenesye and yre and made hym to be peasyble & juste to his peple. Therfore is here a good ensample how men ough to put her children to scole for to lerne clergye & holy scrypture, for by the knowyng of it they shalle better see theyr sauement and shall knowe & discerne the good fro the euyll, as dyd the good lady Delbora, & as dyde saynt katheryn, whiche thurgh her wysedome and by her clergye, with the grace of the holy ghoost, surmounted and vaynquysshed the wysest men of al grece, and by her hooly clergye and sure feythe god gaf her the vyctorye of her martirdome, & made her body to be borne by his angels viiii dayes Iourney fro the place where as she suffred her martirdome vnto the Mount of Synay, & her holy body rendrid holy oyle. And the begynnyng and fundament of the knowlege of god she had thurgh the clergye where as she knewe the trouthe & the sauement of her self. Yet shalle I telle yow an ensample of a child of the age of nyne yere, whiche had be four yere at the scole, & thorugh the grace of god he disputed & argued of the faythe ageynst the paynyms, and vaynquysshed them alle in so moche that they were so wrothe with hym that ones they spyed hym secretely and hurled at hym