Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/153

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ende that god toke her. And therfore is here good ensample how good is to wepe for his synnes and ofte to confesse hym self, and to fast and make abstynences, and also to loue & drede god, as dyd this holy and good Magdaleyne that soo moche loued god that she wepte for her synnes vpon his feet, and after fasted and suffred soo moche euylle and meschyef in the buscage & desertes, where as god comforted her by his aungels, whiche euery day dyd brynge to her the brede of heuen. And in suche wyse shal god doo to alle good wymmen, and to alle them whiche with a contryte and good herte shalle wepe for theire synnes and that shalle loue god and doo abstynences, as he dyd to this good woman.