Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/156

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THE other Ensample is of mary Marthe the suster of Mary Magdalene. This good lady was euer customed to lodge and herberowe the prophetes and the seruaunts of god, whiche preched and taught the lawe, and ful charytable she was toward the folke. And by cause of the hooly lyf of her came the swete Ihesu Cryst to be herberowed in her hows. This was she whiche complayned her to Ihesu Cryste that her suster Mary wold not helpe her to dresse the mete, but oure lord ansuerd to her moche humbly how that Magdaleyne had chosen the best seruyse. It was that she wepte for her synnes, and within her herte moche humbly cryed to god mercy. The good Ihesu told her trouthe, for there is no seruyce that god loueth soo moche as to repente hym self of his synne and to crye god mercy. This good and holy lady dyd seruyse to Ihesu Cryste whanne she herberowed hym self and his apostles with moche grete deuocion & wyth a good herte, wherfor god dyd for her sake many myracles, and came to gyue her comforte as she shold passe oute of this world, and bare hir sowle vato heuen, whiche dede was to her a fayr guerdone. Euery good woman ought to take here good ensample how it is good to lodge and herberowe the seruauntes of god, that is to say, the predicatours and them that prechen the feythe, and to discerne the good from euylle, also the pylgryms and the poure peple of god, as god withnessyth in the holy euangely, that sayth how that god shalle demaunde and aske at the grete and dredefull daye, that is to say, the daye of his grete lugement, yf men shal haue vysyted and receyued and herberowed his poure peple in his name. And every one shalle must gyue acompte and rekenyng of the superfluytees and habundaunces, and of the