Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/158

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that is to wete, of teres and of huble herte that hath pyte of her poure parentes whome she seeth suffre grete nede, and of her poure neyghbours, as had a good lady whiche was Coutesse of Auinyon, and founded the Abbeye of Bourgueyl, where as she lyeth buryed. And as men saye, she is yet there with her blood and flesshe. This good lady, where as she sawe her poure parentes, that myght not honnestly kepe theyr estate, she gaf to them largely of her goodes. The poure Maydens, gentylle wymmen that were of good renommee, she enhaunced and maryed them. She maade to seche and enquere the poure housholders, and somme of her good she gaf to them. She had grete pyte of wymmen whiche were at theyre childbedde, and vysyted and foustred them. She had of her owne phisiciens and Cyrurgyens to helpe and hele for goddes loue al maner of folke, and in especialle the poure whiche had nought to paye. And as men saye, god shewed and made oftyme myracle for her sake, for whanne men took her her booke and her paternoster, they stode before her allone by them self in the ayer. And also many other tokens and signes were sene, whiche for her loue god dyd shewe. And therfore here ought euery good woman to take good ensample, and haue pyte one of other, and thynke how god gyueth the goodes to be therof thaked and knowen, and to helpe and haue pyte on the poure. Here I leue the tale of these good ladyes and of thys matere. But soone I shalle come to hit ageyne, and shalle speke of another ensample.