Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/174

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THE good quene lane of Fraunce, whiche of late passed out of this world & the whiche was wyse, of holy lyf, & moche charytable, & also ful of deuocion, held her estate so clenly & so noble by so good ordenauce, that grete thynge were to reherce it. After by her shal we set the duchesse of orliauce, which in her lyf suffred moch, but she kept her euer clenly and holily, but to long it were to recoute of her good lyf & good condycions. Also we may not forgete the good Countesse of Roussyllon, the whiche, she beynge a wydowe, kepte & gouerned her self so clenely and soo peasyble dyd nourysshe her children, the whiche also kepte good Iustyce and held her land and peple in pees. Also I wylle telle yow of a baronnesse whiche duellyd in our Countrey, the whiche was in wydowhede by the space of xxxv yere, and was yonge and fayr whanne her lord deyde, and of many one she was requyred. But she sayd in her secrete that for the loue of her lord and of her children she shold neuer be wedded, and held her in her wydowhede clenly, withoute ony reproche, wherof she ought to be preysed. And her name I shalle declare vnto yow: jt was my lady of Vertus.