Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/187

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I SHALLE telle yow another Ensample, of the doughter of a noble knyght that loste her maryage by her coynted Raymentes & clothynges. A knyzt was, which had many doughters, of the whiche theldest was wedded. It happed that a knyght demaunded the second doughter to be his wyf, & the fader graunted her to hym. He that neuer before had sene her came to be fyaunced with her, and she whiche knewe wel of his comynge arayed & coynted her self in the best manere that she coude, to thende that she myght seme the fayrer, smaller, & of body wel shapen. She had vpon her but a streyght cote furred. It was at that season moche cold, and grete wynde rose vp and blewe. And she whiche was symply clothed had grete cold, in so moche that for cold she wexed black. Thenne arryued the knyght whiche cam for to see her, and sawe her colour deed and pale, also he beheld hir other suster, whiche had the colour rede and fresshe, for she was clothed wyth gownes good and warme as she that thought not soone to be maryed. The knyght beheld wel the one and the other, and after dyner he callyd to hym two of his parentes whiche were come with hym, and sayd to them, "Fayr lordes, we be come hyder to see the doughters of the lord of this place. And by cause I knowe well that to my wyf I may haue the whiche I wylle chese of them, therfor I shalle haue the thyrd doughter." Thenne sayd his parentes vnto hym, "Ye saye not wel; for gretter worship shal be to yow to take the oldest." "Fayre frendes," ansuerd the knyght, "I see in the choys but lytill auauntage. Ye wote and knowe well how they haue a suster wedded, whiche is older than they be and fyrst born. I see the thyrd more fair and fresshe, and of to better colour than the second, of the whiche men haue spoken