Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/205

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the sone of the Emperoure as to his trewe and good Frende whiche was a trewe man, and moch wyse, and merueyllously they loued eche other. The Squyr beganne to calle wyth an hyghe voys, and dyd soo moche that he came to fore the bedde there as the trewe and noble Baron laye, and told hym how somme had done byleue to the Emperour that Cathonet hadde slayne his sone, and how hit was ordeyned that he shold be on that next morowe hanged. And as the Baron herd this, he was sore abasshed, & moche merueylled of this auenture, & forthwith he rose oute of his bedde, and made his men to be redy, and came to the bedde where the sone of themperour laye, and told to hym the merueyll. And whanne the child vnderstood it he had grete sorowe in his herte, for ouermoche he loued Cathonet his maystre. Here I leue to speke of the Baron and of themperour's sone, and tourne ageyne to speke of Cathonet whiche was in pryson.