Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/209

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pyte and grete dommage. And certaynly neuer after I shold haue had Ioye in my herte, for yf I can ony good, it cometh of hym." Themperour ansuerd, "Fayr sone, hit was euylle done of vs, and in this we haue gretely offended and gete shame, but the loue that we haue in the, and the trust that we haue in thyn preferre ment, toke reason fro vs, and bestourned our wytte." Thenne spake Cathonet and sayd to themperour, "Syre, merueylle yow not of this thynge. I shalle now telle vnto yow why al this was sayd. My fader, whiche in his tyme was a ryght wyse man and a trewe, and borne in this land, shewed to me many good enseygnementes, yf I had be so wyse to haue had them euer stylle in memorye. And yet as he was seke in his bedde, and nyghe at his last ende, he callyd me to hym, as he whiche moche desyred that I myght lerne and knowe som good, and prayd me that I wold wel kepe in my memorye thre enseygnements emonge al other that he before that hadde taught to me, the whiche I wylle now recorde and declare them, to thende that they may be ensample in tyme to come to euery man, as to hym to whome they have happed and that done the contrarye.