Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/48

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she was ful of wordes. & when we shold departe, she was aperte, for she praid me two or thre tymes that I shold not leue, but come see her how'sõeuer it went. But j helde me al styll, for i had neuer sene her to fore, & she wist wel that there was spoken of maryage of her and of me. And when we were departed, my lord my fader demaūded me what me semed of her that i had sene, & bad me to telle hym myn aduys. & I answerd to hym & said that she was good & faire, "but i shall neuer be more nerre her than jam, yf it please you," and told to hym how me semed of her and of her estate. And thenne he said that he wold not also that i shold haue her. & therfor the ouer grete malepertnes & the lyght manere that me semed to see in her, discouraged me so that i maryed not with her, wherof j haue thaked god'síth many tymes, for it was not after a yere & an half that she was blamed, but i wote neither it were with wrong or right, and soone after she deyde. & therfor, my fair dousters, al gentyl wymmen and noble maydens of good lygnage ought to be softe, humble, Rype, stedfast of estate and of manere, of lytel speche to answere curtoisly, and not to be ouer wyld to sprynge ne lepe, ne cast her syght ouer lyghtely, for in lytel doyng ne cometh but good. For many haue lost their maryage for to shewe them ouer moche and to make ouer grete semblaunce, wherof oftymes were supposed other thynges in them than euer were done or thought.