Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/56

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IN a tyme it happed that Marchauntes of Fraunce cam from certayn Fayres where as they sought Draperye, and as they cam with Marchaundyse fro Roan, that one of them said, “It is a moche fayre thynge a man to haue a wif obeysaunt in alle thynges to her husbond. Verayly," sayde that one, “my wyf obeyeth me well.” And the second said, “I trowe that my wyf obeve me better.” “Ye” sayd the third, “lete laye a wager, that whiche wvf of vs thre that obeyeth best her husbond and doeth sonnest his commaundement, that he wynne the wager.” Wherupon they waged a jewele, and accorded al thre to,the same,.& sworen that none shold aduertyse his wyf of this bargayn, sauf only to saye to her, “ Doo that whiche I shall commaunde what soever it be.” After, when they cam to the first man's hows, he sayd to “Sprynge in to this bacyne And she answerd, “Wherfore? or what nede is it ? And he said, “By cause it playsyth me so, and I wyll that thou do so.” “Truly,” said she, “I shall knowe fyrst wherfor I shal sprynge" and soo she.wold not doo it. And her husbond waxe moche angry and felle and gafe her a buffet. After thys they cam to the second marchauntes hows, and he saide to his wyf lyke as that other saide, that she wold doo his commaundement. And it was not long after that he said to her, “Sprynge in to the basyn." And she demaunded hym wherfore. And at the last ende for ought that he dyde she dyd it not, wherfore she was beten as that other was. Thenne cam, they to the third man's hous, and there was the table couered and mete set theron. And the marchaunt said to thother marchauntes in theyr eres, that after dyner he wold commaunde her to sprynge in to the bacyn. And the husbond said to his wyf, that what someuer he commaunded her she shold do it. His wyf, whiche that