Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/58

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to doo his commaundement is hit right or wrong, yf the commaundement be not ouer outrageous. And yf ther be vyce therein she is not to blame, but the blame abydeth vppon her lord and husbonde. And also that she ought not tansuere to euery word of euery husbond ne of other, and that therein is perylle, lyke as was of the knyghtes doughter, that sette her honoure in grete balauncie for to stryue and answere to the hasty squyer that sayd to her vylonye as a foole. For many ben so haultayn and of soo euyll courage, that they saye in hastynesse and hete alle that they knowe & cometh to mouthe. Therfore it is grete peryll to begynne strif, to suche peple, for who soo doth, he set his honoure in grete aduenture, for. many saye in theyr angre more than they knowe, for to auenge them.50