Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/72

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the moost parte of her ryche Roobes and ryche araye, and ledde so hooly a lyf, that she had the grace of god and of the world, that is to say, of good and wyse men, whiche ben better than fooles. And therfor, my fayr doughters, this is a fair Ensample that ye ought not haue youre herte set toward the world, ne to fynde and set these newe gyses and queyntyses to please with the world, but that ye departe so with god, whiche all sendeth, and soo may ye gete youre sauacion. For it is better to haue lasse gownes and robes, that the poure may haue theyr parte, for who someuer sette all his entent for to haue the playsyr of the world, i am certayne that it is folye and temptacion of the fende oure enemye. And ye ought more better to araye yow for the love and honoure of god, than for the folysshe thought of the world, whiche is but a shadowe vnto the regard of hym that all maye, and al gyueth, and alwey endureth his glorye.