Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/86

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DAME, ye ben moche beholdynge to god, and to his swete moder, whiche wylle not haue yow dampned, ne the perdícion of youre sowle. But they shewe to yow youre perylle and youre saluacion. First,they haue shewed to yow youre fader and moder. And youre moder said to yow, 'Fayre doughter, see the breestes of whiche thou hast taken thyn noreture. Loue & honoure thy husbond, lyke as thou hast done these brestes. That is to vnderstonde, ye ought to loue & fere hym, like as ye loued the pappes of youre moder, & ther ye took youre norysshynge. And like as the childe leueth alle thynges for love of the tete, & for the swetenes of the mylke whero he taketh his foode, ryght so ought euery good woman, next god and his hooly lawe, loue her husbond aboue al other, and leue all other loues for hymn : in lyke wyse as oure lord saith with his hooly mouthe, that a man shold leue fader & moder, suster & broder, & abyde with his wyf, & with wyf her husbonde, and that they be not tweyne but one flessh, & y god hath ioyned man may not departe. & also where ye said that youre moder saide ye tooke youre noreture in her pappes & your welthe, that is to say, yf ye loue youre husbond aboue al other, thenne shall your noreture growe & encrece from day to day, like as the child groweth by his noreture of the pappe, & by the swetenes of the mylke, which signyfyeth the grete swetenes, the ioye, the loue, that ouzt to be in trewe mariage, & the grace of god duelleth in them. After your fader said, "Faire dougter, why hast thou more ter loue & plaisauce to other than to thyn husbond? Beholde the pitte that is beside the, & knowe thou verily, yf thou fall in the pitte with grete hete, that thou shalt be lost therein; that is to saye, that if thou loue more another than thy lord, thou shalt fall into the cyt, where ye shall be brent & broiled for the delyte of evil plaisauce & euyil hete."