Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/135

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DIRLETON CASTLE 115 FIRST PERIOD Beck, the castle was demolished, the only portions which seem to have been left standing being the south-west towers,, two of them round, the other square (Figs. 89, 90), with the adjoining walls, and the lower part of the south-east tower. These por- tions, which are shaded black on the plan, were undoubtedly parts of the thirteenth century castle. They still exist, having been incorporated in the build- ings of the castle when re- erected a century later. The newer buildings most probably show the extent of the old Fio. 90. -Dirleton Castle from the West. castle, as the outline of the rock which forms the site naturally FIG. 91. Dirleton Castle. View of Interior of South-West Tower.