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The Publisher invites the attention of those engaged in tuition, to the following reviews, selected from a large number, recommendatory of Miss Corner, as an historian for the school-room:

"Miss Corner is an excellent historian for the school-room; she narrates with fluency and clearness, and in a concise and lively manner."—London Spectator.

"It is written with clearness and simplicity, the principal events are accurately and briefly described, and the whole is well adapted to the comprehension of young persons."—London Atlas.

"Miss Corner is concise in matter, yet perspicuous in style, delicate in narration, yet accurate in record, comprehensive in reference, yet simple in arrangement."—Devonport Independent.

"Miss Corner writes intelligently and fluently, with much ease and winning grace."—London Magazine of Arts and Sciences.

"The beauty of composition throughout the writings of Miss Corner is singular and fascinating."—London Sun.

"This meritorious work is written in a very easy and agreeable style, perfectly adapted to the capacities of the young persons for whom it is intended."—London Times.

"Miss Corner has acquired a deserved celebrity for the singularly-attractive and intelligible manner she has in narrating history."—London Critic.