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William the Third, in the year 1702, after he had reigned thirteen years.

12. These wars caused great distress in England, where the taxes were increased, to pay the expenses of the soldiers, and trade was much injured, as we were at war with both France and Spain.

13. There was a duty, for the first time, laid upon many things that people have to use every day, such as soap, starch, and paper, so that all these articles became much dearer.

14. The meaning of a duty is this:—The parliament says, no person may make any paper, unless he give to the government so much money for every ream he makes; so the paper-makers pay the money, and charge more for their paper to the shopkeepers, who buy it of them; then you and I, and every body who uses paper, must pay more for it than if there was no duty; and the same with all things on which there are duties. So you see the expenses of war fall upon every one, in some way or other.

15. Queen Anne was a daughter of James the Second, but as she was a Protestant, no objection was made to her accession, although her brother was excluded from the throne, as being a Catholic.

16. The most important event that took place