Page:The church, the schools and evolution.djvu/27

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So long, therefore, as there is an unbridged gulf in the sub-organic realm between nothing and matter, in the organic realm between the non-living and the living, and in the super-organic realm between animals and man, the Church cannot be blamed for being scientific enough to refuse to accept such an unproven and discredited theory, at least until a few facts are forthcoming. Until then we must conclude that all the proofs the scientists can furnish rest altogether on inferences and assumptions.

When evolutionists can produce matter from nothing or increase energy by any natural means known to man, or bring forth the living from the nonliving, or bring into existence even one new and distinct species, then they will be in a position to compel the Church to listen to proofs; but until then the Church is forced to reject evolution.

The most serious aspect of the controversy, however, lies in the second objection mentioned above.

II. The Logic of Evolution Is Destructive.

It is destructive of all the fundamental doctrines the Church was sent into the world to preach.

1. It destroys the doctrine of the inspiration of the Bible, by denying its inerrancy and infallible and final authority.

Over and again in the early verses of Genesis we are told that God created the various species to reproduce after their kind. But evolution says that this is not true, for as a matter of fact, the various species have continuously evolved from one to another all the way to man.