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Alder, 159.
  black, 135.
Anemone, 3.
Apple, 51.
Arbutus, trailing, 4, 143.
Asters, 59, 120.
Azalea, swamp, 22.

Barberry, 111, 172.
Bayberry, 136.
Beech, 163.
Bees, 58.
Birch, sweet, 119, 160.
Bittern, 31.
  least, 30.
Bitternut, 113.
Blackbird, crow, 120, 240.
  red-winged, 39, 240, 241, 254.
  rusty, 155.
Blackberry, 172.
Bladderwort, 22.
Blueberry, 123, 136, 166.
Bluebird, 16, 52, 83, 120, 217, 230, 231, 234.
Bobolink, 19, 52, 83.
Butter-and-eggs, 114.
Butterflies, 57, 85, 108.

Canna, 62, 115.
Catbird, 6, 7.
Catnip, 54.
Cat-tail, 28.
Cedar, red, 39, 172.
Checkerberry, 161, 174, 176
Cherry, rum, 123.
Chestnut, 34.
Chewink, 24.
Chickadee, black-capped, 22, 60, 64, 66, 67, 73, 134, 150, 153, 154, 182, 205, 206, 234, 239.
Chicory, 27.
Chipmunk, 182, 226, 227.
Chokecherry, 41.
Clethra, 122.
Clover, rabbit-foot, 23.
Coffee-tree, 125.
Columbine, 3.
Corn, 52.
Cornel, dwarf, 4.
Cowbird, 235.
Cowslip, 3.
Creeper, brown, 155.
Crickets, 65.
Crossbill, red, 154.
  white-winged, 154.
Crow, 24, 39, 42, 65, 154.

Dahlia, 115.
Dangleberry, 123, 174.
Desmodium nudiflorum, 36.
Duck, dusky, 102.