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Quail, 41, 155.
Quince, 115.

Rail, Carolina, 31, 33.
  Virginia, 31.
Raspberry, 21.
Redpoll, 153, 154.
Redstart, 7, 12, 55, 274.
Robin, 60, 67, 155, 232, 255.
Rose, swamp, 26.

Sandpiper, pectoral, 98.
  red-backed, 99, 109.
  white-rumped, 93, 94, 96, 97, 100, 109.
Sassafras, 3, 124, 166.
Saxifrage, 3.
Shadbush, 3.
Shrike, 155, 240.
Snipe, 25, 254.
Snowbird, 134, 154, 155, 234, 252.
Sparrow, chipping, 19, 70, 271.
  English, 14, 16, 52, 156.
  field, 24, 39.
  fox, 235, 244, 250, 255.
  grasshopper, 17.
  Ipswich, 102.
  savanna, 18, 107.
  song, 19, 38, 60, 68, 234, 235, 253.
  swamp, 13, 22.
  tree, 134, 136, 154, 155.
  vesper, 19, 24, 253.
  white-throated, 6, 69.
Spatter-dock, 29.
Spice-bush, 3, 123, 162.
Squirrel, gray, 118, 227, 259.
  flying, 177, 259.
  red, 227, 259.
Swallow, barn, 38.
  tree, 15, 16, 237.
Swift, 38.

Tanager, scarlet, 36, 47, 60, 72.
Thimbleberry, 21.
Thorn, 111.
Thoroughwort, 38.
Thrasher, brown, 23, 270.
Thrush, northern water, 13, 61, 71.
  Swainson, 7, 69.
  wood, 7.
Titlark, 93, 94, 102, 107, 108.

Veery, 6, 23.
Vireo, Philadelphia, 71.
  red-eyed, 7, 55, 73.
  solitary, 23.
  warbling, 6, 60, 67.
  yellow-throated, 6, 60, 67.

Warbler, black-and-white, 273.
  Blackburnian, 274.
  blackpoll, 68, 73, 274.
  black-throated blue, 10.
  black-throated green, 23, 73, 272.
  blue golden-winged, 274.
  Canadian, 22.
  Cape May, 274.
  chestnut-sided, 7, 274.
  golden, 6, 267.
  magnolia, 274.
  myrtle, 73, 136, 269.
  Nashville, 7, 268.
  parula (blue yellow-backed), 6, 274.
  pine, 68, 270.
  prairie, 7.
  yellow palm, 271.

Waxwing, cedar, 8.
Waxwork, Roxbury, 111, 124.