Page:The collected poems, lyrical and narrative, of A. Mary F. Robinson.djvu/201

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The Greeks narrate that Zeno Cypriote—
Ger-Baäl ben Manasseh, Lord of Truth—
Twixt Citium and Athens, in his youth
Trading in Tyrian purple, plied his boat.

Still in the Porch and Grove the Athenians quote
The lean Phoenician merchant, swart, uncouth,
Who stopped to read beside the copyist's booth.
And left his cargo twenty years afloat!

He was the first who said to Man: "Renounce.
Follow thy soul: thou hast no other claim;
And yield to Fate as lambs to the eagle's pounce.

"Do right. Fear nothing, deeming all the same."
Yet not for that we heap his tomb with crowns.
But, Duty, he was first to breathe thy name!