Page:The collected poems, lyrical and narrative, of A. Mary F. Robinson.djvu/92

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To a Dragon Fly

You hail from Dream-land, Dragon-fly?
A stranger hither? so am I.
And (sooth to say) I wonder why
We either of us came!
Are you (that shine so bright i' the air)
King Oberon's state-messenger?
Come tell me how my old friends fare,
Is Dream-land still the same?

Who won the latest tourney fight.
King Arthur, or the red-cross Knight?
Or he who bore away the bright
Renown'd Mambrino's casque?
Is Caliban king's councillor yet?
Cross Mentor jester still and pet?
Is Suckling out of love and debt?
Has Spenser done his task?

Say, have they settled over there.
Which is the loveliest Guinevere,
Or Gloriana or the fair
Young Queen of Oberon's Court?
And does Titania torment still
Mike Drayton and sweet-throated Will?
In sooth of her amours 'twas ill
To make such merry sport.