Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/218

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Ivar Bodde.

God forbid that I should stand between the King and so many mighty chieftains.—Håkon, my gracious lord, my soul bears me witness that I have served you in all faithfulness. True, I have warned you against the Earl; but if I have ever done him wrong, I pray God forgive me. Now have I no more to do in the palace; here is your Seal; take it into your own hands; there it should have rested long ago.


[Who has come down from the daïs.] You shall remain! Ivar Bodde. I cannot. If I did, my conscience would gnaw and rend me night and day. Greater evil can no man do in these times than to hold the King and the Earl asunder. Håkon. Ivar Bodde, I command you to remain! Ivar Bodde. If the Holy King Olaf should rise from his silver shrine to bid me stay, still I needs must go. [Places the Seal in the King's hand.] Farewell, my noble master! God bless and prosper you in all your work! [Goes out through the crowd, to the right.


[Gloomily, to the Earl and his men.] There have I lost a trusty friend for your sakes; what requital can you offer to make good that loss?