Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/348

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Stand up, Skule Bårdsson, if you be king! Lie not there to rule the land.


If you scoff at my father, I will kill you.

Bård Bratte.

I shall be killed whatever betides; for me King Håkon will have no grace; for I was his thane, and deserted him for Skule's sake. Think of somewhat that may save us. No deed so desperate but I will risk it now.

A Vårbælg.

Could we but get over to the convent at Holm?

Paul Flida.

Better to Elgesæter.

Bård Bratte.

[With a sudden outburst.] Best of all to go down to Håkon's ship and bear away the King-child.

Paul Flida.

Are you distraught?

Bård Bratte.

No, no; 'tis our one hope, and easy enough to do. The Birchlegs are ransacking every house, and keeping watch on all the churches; they think none of us can have taken flight, since all the bridges are broken. There can be but few men on board the ships; when once we have his heir in our power, Håkon must grant us peace, else