Everyman of them armed or with gun or with club.
Foremost I hear the old Hegstad-churl howling.—
Now it's noised far and wide that Peer Gynt is abroad!
It is different, this, from a bout with a smith!
This is life! Every limb grows as strong as a bear's.
[Strikes out with his arms and leaps in the air.
To crush, overturn, stem the rush of the foss![1]
To strike! Wrench the fir-tree right up by the root!
This is life! This both hardens and lifts one high!
To hell then with all of the savourless lies!
Three Sæter Girls.[2]
[Rush across the hillside, screaming and singing.]
Trond of the Valfjeld![3] Bård and Kårë!
Troll-pack! To-night would you sleep in our arms?
To whom do you call?
The Girls.
To the trolls! to the trolls!
First Girl.
Trond, come with kindness!
Second Girl.
Bård, come with force!
Third Girl.
The cots in the sæter are all standing empty!