Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 4).djvu/121

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The spirit you're ready to own with your lips,
But in fact nothing counts that your fists cannot handle.
So you really think, then, that lust matters nought?
Wait; you shall soon have ocular proof of it——


You don't catch me with a bait of lies!

The Green-clad One.

My Peer, ere the year's out, your child will be born.


Open doors! let me go!

The Old Man.

                       In a he-goat's skin.
You shall have the brat after you.


[Mopping the sweat off his brow.]

                                   Would I could waken!

The Old Man.

Shall we send him to the palace?


                                 You can send him to the parish!

The Old Man.

Well well, Prince Peer; that's your own look-out.
But one thing's certain, what's done is done;
And your offspring, too, will be sure to grow;
Such mongrels shoot up amazingly fast——