Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 4).djvu/236

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Where the valleys, like trenches, gloom narrow and black,—
And underneath, skirting the open fiords,—
It's in places like these human beings abide.

[Looks at the Captain.

They build far apart in this country.

The Captain.

Few are the dwellings and far between.


Shall we get in by day-break?

The Captain.

If we don't have too dirty a night altogether.


It grows thick in the west.

The Captain.

                            It does so.


                                        Stop a bit!
You might put me in mind when we make up accounts—
I'm inclined, as the phrase goes, to do a good turn
To the crew——

The Captain.

                I thank you.


                             It won't be much
I have dug for gold, and lost what I found;—