Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 4).djvu/248

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The Boatswain.

                         We have more to attend to!


It was nonsense, captain! 'Twas only my joke;—
As sure as I'm here I will help the cook——

The Captain.

The jib's blown away!

The Mate.

                      And there went the foresail!

The Boatswain.

[Shrieks from forward.]

 Breakers under the bow! The Captain. She will go to shivers!

 [The ship strikes. Noise and confusion.

SCENE SECOND. Close under the land, among sunken rocks and surf. The ship sinks. The jolly-boat, with two men in her, is seen for a moment through the scud. A sea strikes her; she fills and upsets. A shriek is heard; then all is silent for a while. Shortly afterwards the boat appears floating bottom upwards.

Peer Gynt comes to the surface near the boat.


Help! Help! A boat! Help! I'll be drowned!
Save me, oh Lord—as saith the text!

[Clutches hold of the boat's keel.