Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 4).djvu/299

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                The race has improved so remarkably?

The Lean One.

No, just the reverse; it's sunk shamefully low;—
The majority end in a casting-ladle.


Ah yes—I have heard that ladle mentioned;
In fact, 'twas the cause of my coming to you.

The Lean One.

Speak out!


           If it were not too much to ask,
I should like——

The Lean One.

                  A harbour of refuge? eh?


You've guessed my petition before I have asked.
You tell me the business is going awry;
So I daresay you will not be over-particular,

The Lean One.

But, my dear——


                 My demands are in no way excessive.
I shouldn't insist on a salary;
But treatment as friendly as things will permit.

The Lean One.

A fire in your room?