None of them glitters like him in the sunshine.—
Down by the fence stand the people in clusters,
Lifting their hats, and agape gazing upwards.
Women are curtseying. All the world knows him,
Kaiser Peer Gynt, and his thousands of henchmen.
Sixpenny pieces and glittering shillings
Over the roadway he scatters like pebbles.
Rich as a lord grows each man in the parish.
High o'er the ocean Peer Gynt goes a-riding.
Engelland's Prince on the seashore awaits him;
There too await him all Engelland's maidens.
Engelland's nobles and Engelland's Kaiser,
See him come riding and rise from their banquet.
Raising his crown, hear the Kaiser address him
Aslak the Smith.
[To some other young men, passing along the road.]
Just look at Peer Gynt there, the drunken swine
[Starting half up.]
What, Kaiser
The Smith.
[Leaning against the fence and grinning.]
Up with you, Peer, my lad
What the devil? The smith! What do you want here?
The Smith.
[To the others.]
He hasn't got over the Lundëspree yet