Like flint.
Good! we'll see, then, who's the winner!
[Goes downwards.
[Stands silent a moment, then cries:]
Devil take all recollections! Devil take the tribe of women! Ingrid.
[Turning her head, and calling mockingly upwards:]
All but <g>one</g>! Peer. Yes, all but <g>one</g>.
[They go their several ways.
SCENE SECOND. Near a mountain tarn; the ground is soft and marshy round about. A storm is gathering.
Åse enters, calling and gazing around her despairingly, in every direction. Solveig has difficulty in keeping up with her. Solveig's Father and Mother, with Helga, are some way behind.
[Tossing about her arms, and tearing her hair.]
All things are against me with wrathful might!
Heaven, and the waters, and the grisly mountains!
Fog-scuds from heaven roll down to bewilder him