Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 11).djvu/256

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  • fected and poisoned in every fibre with the morals

of the higher rascality. And such a friend was mine—and it was he who crushed me.


I can guess whom you mean.


There was not a nook or cranny of my life that I hesitated to lay open to him. And then, when the moment came, he turned against me the weapons I myself had placed in his hands.


I have never been able to understand why he—— Of course, there were whispers of all sorts at the time.


What were the whispers? Tell me. You see I know nothing. For I had to go straight into—into isolation. What did people whisper, Vilhelm?


You were to have gone into the Cabinet, they said.


I was offered a portfolio, but I refused it.


Then it wasn't there you stood in his way?


Oh, no; that was not the reason he betrayed me.