Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 9).djvu/236

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at home; so he sent me to sea. On the voyage home, we were wrecked in the English Channel; and that was a grand thing for me.


How do you mean?


It was in the wreck that I got my lesion—this weakness in my chest, you know. I was in the ice-cold water so long before they came and rescued me. So then I had to give up the sea—Oh yes, it was a great stroke of luck.

Arnholm. Indeed? You think so?


Yes; for the lesion is nothing to speak of; and now I am to have my heart's desire, and to be a sculptor. Only think—to be able to model in the delicate clay that yields so exquisitely under your fingers!


And what are you going to model? Mermen and mermaids? Or is it to be old vikings——?


No, nothing of that kind. As soon as I can manage it, I mean to have a try at a big piece of work—a group, as they call it.

Ellida. I see. And what is the group to represent?