Page:The college beautiful, and other poems.djvu/67

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Strew the sweets above her rest,
Only hearts-ease on the breast,
By our potent sylvan art
Charming thus the budding heart
From all thorny sting and smart.

On the blue eyes, curtained fast,
Blue forget-me-nots we cast.
Mayflowers pink we scatter free
O'er the feet. On hill and lea
Fragrant may their treading be !

Last of all are lilies given,
That the maiden soul to Heaven
May uplift its chalice white,
Where the teardrops of the night
Turn to pearls with dawning light.

Nay; but here there bendeth one
Doth out-bless our benison.
Deepest love is purest prayer,
Mounting high the starry stair
To the Love beyond compare.

See ! she stirs. The dimple dips
All about the drowsy lips.
Bonny dreams blue eyes beguile
Not so well but mother's smile
Shall to waking reconcile.