Page:The complete poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar.pdf/33

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Oh, dere's lots o' keer an' trouble 20
Oh for the breath of the briny deep 92
Oh, I am hurt to death, my Love 72
Oh, I des received a letter f'om de sweetest little gal 266
Oh, I haven't got long to live, for we all 48
Oh, summer has clothed the earth 91
Oh the breeze is blowin' balmy 262
Oh, the day has set me dreaming 107
Oh, the little bird is rocking in the cradle of the wind 245
Oh, the poets may sing of their Lady Irenes 26
Oh to have you in May 166
Oh, what shall I do? I am wholly upset 131
Oh, who is the Lord of the land of life 268
Oh, who would be sad tho' the sky be a-graying 236
Oh, wind of the spring-time, oh, free wind of May 221
On a summer's day as I sat by a stream 248
On the wide veranda white 59
Once Love grew bold and arrogant of air 102
One night in my room, still and beamless 109
Our good knight, Ted, girds his broadsword on 108
Out in de night a sad bird moans 194
Out in the sky the great dark clouds are massing 64
Out of my heart, one day, I wrote a song 117
Out of my heart, one treach'rous winter's day 102
Out of the sunshine and out of the heat 167
Outside the rain upon the street 253
Over the hills and the valleys of dreaming 90
Phyllis, ah, Phyllis, my life is a gray day 74
Place this bunch of mignonette 66
Poor withered rose, she gave it me 286
Pray, what can dreams avail 104

[ xxvii ]