Page:The complete poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar.pdf/38

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When the corn's all cut and the bright stalks shine 16
When to sweet music my lady is dancing 175
When winter covering all the ground 275
When you and I were young, the days 24
Who dat knockin' at de do'? 184
Who say my hea't ain't true to you? 133
Whose little lady is you, chile 198
Whut dat you whisperin' keepin' f'om me? 136
Whut time 'd dat clock strike? 254
Whut you say, dah? huh, uh! chile 153
Why fades a dream? 77
Why was it that the thunder voice of Fate 221
Will I have some mo' dat pie? 203
Win' a-blowin' gentle so de san' lay low 191
Wintah, summah, snow er shine 178
Wintah time hit comin' 241
With sombre mien, the evening gray 123
With what thou gavest me, O Master 276
Within a London garret high 96
Woman's sho' a cur'ous critter, an' dey ain't no doubtin' dat 170
Yes, my ha't 's ez ha'd ez stone 62
Yesterday I held your hand 257
You ask why I am sad to-day 220
You bid me hold my peace 286
You kin talk about yer anthems 53
You'll be wonderin' whut's de reason 131
Your presence like a benison to me 266
Your spoken words are roses fine and sweet 270

[ xxxii ]