Page:The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, including materials never before printed in any edition of the poems.djvu/591

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Was Florence the liberticide? that band
Of free and glorious brothers who had[1] planted,
Like a[2] green isle mid Aethiopian sand, 25
A nation amid slaveries, disenchanted
Of many impious faiths—wise, just—do they,[3]
Does[4] Florence, gorge the sated tyrants' prey?[4]

O foster-nurse of man's abandoned glory,
Since Athens, its great mother, sunk in splendour; 30
Thou shadowest forth that mighty shape in story,
As ocean its wrecked fanes, severe yet tender:—
The light-invested angel[5] Poesy
Was drawn from the dim world to welcome thee.[6]

And thou in painting didst transcribe all taught 35
By loftiest meditations; marble knew
The sculptor's fearless soul—and as he wrought,
The grace of his own power and freedom grew.
And more than all, heroic, just, sublime,
Thou wert among the false . . . was this thy crime? 40

Yes; and on Pisa's marble walls the twine
Of direst[7] weeds hangs garlanded—the snake
Inhabits its wrecked palaces;—in thine
A beast of subtler venom now doth make
Its lair, and sits amid[8] their glories overthrown, 45
And thus thy victim's fate is as thine own.

The sweetest flowers are ever frail and rare,
And love and freedom blossom but to wither;
And good and ill like vines entangled are,
So that their grapes may oft be plucked together;— 50
Divide the vintage ere thou drink, then make
Thy heart rejoice for dead Marenghi's sake.

[Albert] Marenghi[9] was a Florentine;
If he had wealth, or children, or a wife
Or friends, [or farm][10] or cherished thoughts which twine 55
The sights and sounds of home with life's own life
Of these he was despoiled and Florence sent. . . .[11]

  1. 23, 24 that band Of free and glorious brothers who had 1870; omitted, B.
  2. 25 a 1870; one B.
  3. 27 wise, just—do they 1870; omitted, B.
  4. 4.0 4.1 28 Does 1870; Doth B. prey 1870; spoil B.
  5. 33 angel 1824; Herald [?] B.
  6. 34 to welcome thee 1824; cancelled for . . . by thee B.
  7. 42 direst 1824; Desert B.
  8. 45 sits amid 1824; amid cancelled for soils (?) B.
  9. 53 Marenghi] Mazenghi B.
  10. 55 farm doubtful: perh. fame (Locock).
  11. 53-57 Albert . . . sent B.; omitted 1824, 1870. Albert cancelled B.: Pietro is the correct name.