Page:The constitution ("grondwet") of the South African Republic.djvu/10

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Concerning the Protection and Defence of Church and State.

20. The People is desirous of maintaining the doctrine of the “Nederduitsch Hervormde” Church, according to its first principles as established in the years 1618 and 1619 by the Synod of Dordrecht, and the Nederduitsch Hervormde Church shall be the State Church.

21. The People does not choose to allow in its midst either any Roman Catholic Churches or any other Protestant Churches than such as inculcate the same principles of Christian belief as are laid down in the Heidelberg Catechism.

22. The People shall not appoint any other representatives. in the Volksraad than members of Nederduitsch Hervormde congregations.

23. The People shall not acknowledge any other ecclesiastical authority than such as has been approved, accepted, and established by the consistories of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Church according to Article 20.

24. The People desires the establishment, prosperity, and welfare of Church and State, and in respect thereof provision for the needs of Nederduitsch Hervormde ministers and school teachers.

25. Also that precautionary measures shall be adopted in time of peace, so as to be able either to wage war or to offer resistance in the event of war.

26. In the event of a hostile invasion everyone, without distinction, shall be bound to render assistance upon martial law being proclaimed.

27. No treaty or alliance may be offered, accepted, or concluded with foreign powers or peoples without the Volksraad having been first called together by the President and members of the Executive Council for the purpose of expressing its opinion thereupon, and such proposed treaty or alliance shall be either approved and ratified, or rejected, according to the discretion of the Volksraad.

28. In the event of danger threatening the State, or in time of war, a decision as to the expediency or otherwise of entering into any such treaty or alliance shall be left to the Commandant-General in deliberation with the War Council, if the commandoes (field forces) should have already taken the field, and there should be no time to consult the Executive Council.

Concerning the Volksraad, the Supreme Authority, or Legislative Power.

29. The Volksraad shall be the Supreme Authority in the Country, and shall be the Legislative Power.

30. Owing to their being the representatives of the People, the members of the Volksraad shall not be State officials.