Page:The constitution ("grondwet") of the South African Republic.djvu/12

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At the end of the first year one-half of the members shall retire by lot, and the remaining half shall retire at the end of the second year, and so forth. New members of the Volksraad shall be elected in those districts whose members shall retire as above. The retiring members shall be re-eligible.

36. The Executive Council shall be obliged to provide a competent Secretary for the Volksraad during its session.

37. If persons elected as members of the Volksraad wish to be excused after having been elected, they shall send in notice of their reasons for wishing to be so excused to the Executive Council by the first mail immediately after having been notified of their election. Whoever does not comply herewith, or declines his election without satisfactory reasons, shall be mulcted in a fine of 25 rixdollars.[1] If he does not give notice as above by the first mail after the result of the election has been notified, then he shall be fined 50 rixdollars. Should any member of the Volksraad absent himself from any session without having resigned, and should he not comply with the notice convoking a session, he shall be fined 75 rixdollars.

38. Reasons for excusing members of the Volksraad from attending its sessions are as follows:—

(a) Indisposition and bodily infirmities, proof whereof must be produced by the member elected or summoned to attend in the form of a declaration signed by the Landdrost, Commandant, or Field-Cornet of his division; and
(b) Such unforeseen circumstances as being actually proved

have made it impossible for the member to attend or remain present during the session.

39. All considerations, excuses, and notices referred to in Articles 37 and 38 shall be sent in to the President of the Executive Council, and shall be taken into consideration by the Executive Council. Pro- vision shall be made as soon as possible for filling the seats which have thus become vacant.

40. Prior to entering upon their duties, members of the Volksraad shall be sworn by those Volksraad members who are present at that day's session, and the oath shall be as follows:—

“As member-elect of the Volksraad of this Republic, I solemnly declare, promise, and swear that I have not made or promised any gift to anyone in order to attain to that office; that I shall be faithful to the People in that position; that I shall conduct myself in accordance with the Constitution (‘Grondwet’) of this Republic to the best of my knowledge and conscience, and that my sole aim shall be the promotion of the happiness and welfare of the inhabitants in general.”
  1. A rixdollar is equal to is. 6d. sterling.