Page:The constitution of Japan - with the laws pertaining thereto, and the imperial oath and speech. Promulgated at the Imperial palace, February 11th, 1889 (IA cu31924023459880).pdf/32

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The Constitution of Japan.

Chapter VII.—Voting.

Article XXXIV.—The voting shall commence at 7 o’clock a.m. and be closed at 6 o’clock p.m.

Article XXXV.—The ballot-box shall have a double lid, each fitted with a different key. One of the two keys shall be put in the custody of the Chocho or Soncho, and the other in that of the witnesses.

Article XXXVI.—Before the commencement of the voting the Chocho or the Soncho shall, together with the witnesses, open the ballot-box in the presence of the electors on the spot and show them that it is empty.

Article XXXVII.—On the day of election, electors shall come in person to the voting place and vote, after identifying themselves with their names in the electoral list.

Article XXXVIII.—The voting paper shall be of a uniform style in each Fu and Ken, and shall be given to each elector, by the Chocho or the Soncho, at the voting place on the day of election.

Every voter shall, at the voting place, inscribe upon the voting paper the name of the person he votes for, then his own name and residence, and shall put his stamp upon it.

Article XXXIX.—When a voter declares himself incapable of forming the characters required, the Chocho or the Soncho shall direct an officer to do so for him. The paper shall next be read to the voter, who shall put his stamp thereon and then cast his vote. These details shall be entered in the minutes of the voting.

Article XL.—In an election district where two or more than two Members are to be elected, the method of “scrutin de liste” shall be employed.

Article XLI.—No person, other than those entered in the electoral list, shall be capable of voting. Should, however, any one come to the voting place on the day of election, bringing with him a judgment of a Court of Law entitling him to have his name entered in the electoral list, the Chocho or the Soncho shall give him a voting paper and allow him to vote. The circumstances shall be entered in the minutes of the voting.

Article XLII.—When the time for closing the polling arrives, the Chocho or the Soncho shall declare the fact and shut the ballot-box. After the shutting of the ballot-box, no voting shall be allowed.

Article XLIII.—The Chocho or the Soncho shall keep minutes of the voting, in which are to be entered all matters relating to the voting, and to which he shalt put his signature as shall also the witnesses theirs.

Article XLIV.—On the day following that of election, the Chocho or Soncho shall send, in company with one or more witnesses, the ballot-box and the minutes of the voting, to the Gun, Shi, or Ku Office concerned in the management of the election.

Article XLV.—In the case of an island situated in an election district, whence there are circumstances to make if impossible to send the ballot-box within the time mentioned in the preceding Article, the Governor of the Fu or Ken may fix a convenient date for voting, between the day of the settlement of the electoral list and the date of the election, and cause the ballot-box to be sent by the date of the election.