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So much for the first announcement. The second, on blue paper, was as follows:


On Monday next, and throughout the week, the world-famous COLORADO QUARTET will present a new song and glee entitled "Endor Must Go." Words by the Poet Laureate. Music by Sir Topman Murtle, O.M., Mus. Doc. (Copies of this beautiful work half price to all subscribers to the U. P.) Logan's Elephants. Parajinksy Troupe of Priceless Bounders. Kuhlmann's Performing Seals, and a host of other attractions, including The World in Pictures on the U. P. Bioscope showing the recent riot at Hellington when the Member for East Blackhampton (Mr. John Endor, M.P.) was severely handled. Prices as usual. Special terms for subscribers to the U. P.

The third announcement, on red paper, ran thus:


The most exquisitely appointed Picture Palace in the Midland Counties is now showing LOVELY LILY LANGRISH (England's Own) in her great three-reel exclusive "The Bride of Prince Charming." Also East Blackhampton Election Scenes. Arrival of Sir Stuyvescent Milgrim at Central Station. Enthusiastic Reception. Floral tribute from Members of the U. P., etc., etc. Also vivid two-reeler of the Recent Riot at Hellington. John Endor, M.P., nearly loses his life. Thrilling escape by back door from a mob of Infuriated Workers, etc., etc. Also a first release of the latest triumph of U. P. kinematography. Saul Hartz, Esq., O.M., the great philanthropist, in the robes of an Honorary Curator of Blackpool Observatory, praying with the Chief Druid at the Welsh Eisteddfod. A print in five colors, suitable for the home, based on this subject, after the famous work by Albert Blantyre, A.R.A. (awarded Gold Medallion at Chicago World's Fair) may be had on application free of charge by all bona fide subscribers to the U. P.