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already got his foot well in. For some time now he has had a working arrangement with the Breit Combine, and if that mighty concern amalgamates with the U. P., as I'm assured it will, nothing on the face of this planet will be able to stand up against the power of antichrist."


"The shallow materialism of the western business brain, of which the man Saul Hartz is the prophet, is nothing less than that. Genius of a kind he has, no doubt, but he lacks the essential faculty, like others before him, of knowing when to stop. He sees World Power in front of him, and under present conditions he may be allowed to grasp it on terms easier than would have been exacted of Napoleon I and Wilhelm II."

John Endor had many questions to answer in the course of a long interview, but in the end he was able to convince Sir Josiah Munt that the Newspaper Ring was the writing on the wall not merely for Great Britain, not merely for America, but for civilization itself. The instance from his own experience the member for Blackhampton East was able to adduce of the U. P.'s power of manipulating news, and the worth of the news when it had been manipulated, proved a clinching argument for that honest citizen.

"I must be up and doing." That was the thought in the mind of Sir Munt as he shook hands with his visitor and ushered him to the door. So powerfully