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eyeglasses to a nose with a narrow ridge, the Colossus gave a soft chuckle.

"A slight—a very slight irritation of the lobe of the left ear"—while he plucked at that organ his eye was fixed on Mr. Mumby's face—"tells me that an irruption of Popocatapetl is about to occur. I hope you appreciate its significance."

Even Mr. Mumby, schooled as he was in the more recondite ways of the Chief, was at a loss. The Colossus, however, was kind enough at once to enlighten him. "Tell me," he said, "what is the price of National Mexican Thirds?"

"They closed last night," said Mr. Mumby, who carried all little matters of that kind in his head, "at forty-six and an eighth, rather sellers."

The Chief tapped an excellent set of teeth with a black lead pencil, a favorite trick when engaged in thinking constructively. "Suppose you go a bear—a modest bear?" Again he plucked at his left ear, but this time a smile famous upon five continents accompanied the action.

"When shall I cover, sir?" said Mr. Mumby, impassively.

"Twelve o'clock on Thursday," said the Colossus. "And you can start the fund of His Nibs with the proceeds."

"A thousand pounds, sir?" Mr. Mumby was more impassive than ever.

"Yes. A thousand pounds from the proprietor of