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The words of the Colossus, spoken delicately though they were, came to Helen like a blow over the heart. But she had the dour courage of the born fighter.

"Surely that remains to be seen." For the first time in the course of a two years' friendship with Saul Hartz, a chord of antagonism rang in Helen's voice.

The Colossus paused a moment to look at her. "True, my dear." Of a sudden the tone had grown almost deprecatory. "But I do want you to look before and after. You contemplate a very serious step."

Helen agreed that for herself such a step must prove serious indeed.

"For both of us, my dear. You will be very much missed here."

She was touched by this magnanimity and also flattered by it, for she knew it to be the frank expression of his mind. The Chief did not want to part with her, that was clear. She had reason to think she had been of use to him and that he had always liked her personally. Certainly from the day of their first meeting