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The Colossus pursed his lips.

"Must we issue an ultimatum to the Chinese Government?"

"Yes. Give them forty-eight hours to apologize, or take the consequences."

"They'll apologize, of course."

"I'm afraid so, poor brutes! Still, as I told the P. M. last night, it all helps to keep the pot simmering. And sooner or later dear old man Chink will have to be put to it. The trouble is, you see, that Brother Jap will be at the poor old gentleman even if we consent to keep our fingers off him."

Mr. Gage saw that.

"Any particular news this morning?"

The question was lightly asked but before it was answered the face of Bennet Gage became perceptibly older. A look of strain came into a curiously somber face, as he said, "Did you know that Garland is dead?"

"Dead! William Garland!" It was clear that, for a moment, even the Colossus was taken aback. "Why, I was in his company last evening at dinner at Rockingham House. We had a most interesting, a most informative chat about labor conditions all over the world. He was leaving here on Friday for Australia."

"Then he may have arrived already," said Mr. Gage succinctly. "At all events, about half past eleven last night, as he entered the Cosmopolitan vestibule, he fell down dead."

Saul Hartz was visibly startled. He pursed his